Mountain Laurel: Close to being at peak bloom

Tom HarringtonOur Town Outdoors

On Monday, May 13, Tom Harrington hiked the School House Gap Trail from beginning to end. Here is his wildflowers report:

  • Bar Cucumber – Few – At peak bloom – first almost mile up trail and also about 1.6 up the trail – neat.
  • Bowman’s Root – Few – Past peak bloom.
  • Carolina Wood Vetch – Few – Past peak bloom.
  • Canadian Violets – Few – Past peak bloom (first quarter of mile up the trail).
  • Common Cinquefoil – Some – At peak bloom.
  • Daisy Fleabane – Many – Well past peak bloom (mostly first half mile).
  • Fairyland – Some – Mostly at peak bloom (both male and female) – first quarter of mile up trail.


  • False Solomon’s Seal – Some – Various stages of blooming cycle – At peak, just past peak, just starting.
  • Foam Flower – Few – Well past peak bloom (about gone) – 1st quarter of mile up trail.
  • Galax – Some – Mostly just starting to bloom but some at peak bloom.
  • Golden Ragwort – Few – At peak bloom – (about mile and a half up trail).
  • Large Bluet – Many + – At peak bloom.
  • Lyer Leaf Sage – Few – Past peak bloom (first quarter of mile up the trail).
  • Maple Leaf Viburnum – (1) – At peak bloom – 1.9 miles up the trail.
  • Meadow Parsnip – Few – At or just beyond peak bloom.
  • Mountain Laurel – Many + – Close to being at peak bloom – breathtakingly display.
  • Partridge Berry – Many ++ – At peak bloom – Some embankments covered with them – beautiful but small.

Red clover, much like what might grow in our yards if we didn’t mow so much

  • Red Clover – Some – At peak bloom – Attractive to see.
  • Solomon’s Seal Grande – Few – Just past peak bloom (mostly first quarter of mile up trail).
  • Star Grass – Many – At peak bloom.
  • Sweet Cicely – Few – At peak bloom.
  • Sweet White Violet – Few – Past peak bloom. (first quarter of mile up trail).
  • White Clover – Many – At peak bloom.
  • Yellow Wood Sorrell – Some – Approaching peak bloom – mostly first quarter of mile up the trail.

Note: Photos shown are file photos – not made today.

Tom Harrington is a regular hiker who reports on wildflowers in the Smokies.


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