Black Cohosh a week away from full bloom

Tom HarringtonOur Town Outdoors

On Monday, June 24, I hiked the Porters Creek Trail in the Greenbrier area from the beginning up to Fern Falls and back, a hike of about four miles. Our amazing trail crew did a superb job removing the massive blowdowns that were on this trail. Here are the wildflowers I observed:

Asiactic Dayflower

Tick Trefoil

  • Asiatic Dayflower – (1) – At peak bloom.
  • Black Cohosh – Some – Should be at full bloom within a week or so.
  • Canadian Violets – Few – Past peak bloom (less than a dozen blooms).
  • Crimson Bee Balm (2) – At peak bloom.
  • Daisy Fleabane – Few – Past peak bloom.
  • Flowering Spurge – Few – Past peak bloom.
  • Horse Nettle – Few – Some past peak bloom – some at peak bloom – About 6/10 of a mile up trail on the right.
  • Pale Jewelweed – (1) – At peak bloom.
  • Rosebay Rhododendron – Some – At various stages of the blooming process (some at peak bloom – others past peak bloom).
  • Saint John’s Wort – Few – Appears to be just starting to bloom.
  • Tick Trefoil – Few – At or just past peak bloom (first half mile of the trail on the right).
  • Wild Hydrangea – Few – Most are past peak bloom.
  • Wood Nettle – Many – At or beyond peak bloom.

Tom Harrington is a regular hiker who reports on wildflowers in the Smokies.


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